What your Financial Institution Needs to Know!

May 8, 2020
11:45 am – 12:45 pm P.T.

The global pandemic of COVID-19 has severely impacted business operations over these past 2 months. As organizations are continuing to adjust to the “New normal”, rapidly evolving changes are steadily coming forward. Join us for this special edition webinar on Friday, May 8th as we will examine what’s new and what may be next from COVID-19 and its impact on Credit Unions.

Topics will include:

  • Forbearance and what to prepare for
  • CARES Act latest
  • The latest HR developments
  • Potential class action threats

Who should attend?

This webinar is designed for President/CEOs, Human Resources Managers, Vice Presidents/Human Resources, Senior Vice Presidents, Risk Management Officers, and Compliance Officers and various other positions in the Credit Union industry.


Registration is closed.

Questions? Contact Steven Davis: (818) 241-0103 or Email: swm.events@swmllp.com

Meet the Presenters
Cristina Miller
Raza Ali